A NSW Government website

South Head Sydney Harbour National Park Conservation Management Plan

South Head forms the southern edge of the entrance to Sydney Harbour. Most of the area has been a national park since 1977, with Gap Bluff added in 1982. The site has rich natural and cultural heritage values, including at least 11 Aboriginal sites.
Publisher: Department of Environment and Climate Change
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74232-561-3 / ID: DECC20100140
File: PDF 4.51 MB / Pages 208
Name: south-head-sydney-harbour-national-park-conservation-management-plan-volume-1.pdf
Tags: Conservation management planFinal

The main purpose of the conservation management plan (CMP) is to identify significance and provide guidelines for the conservation, use, interpretation and management of the South Head to ensure that the heritage values of the place are maintained and, where appropriate, enhanced. The CMP will guide future management of the site in consideration of its heritage resources by:

  • Identifying the site’s cultural heritage resources;
  • Assessing the value of those resources;
  • Developing policies for conservation, interpretation, management and future use of the site;
  • Providing an understanding of the conservation management processes for the site’s stakeholders.

Volume 1 – Assessment of significance (PDF 4.6MB)
Identifies the site's cultural heritage resources, provides an understanding of the site through analysis of its historical development and physical characteristics and assesses the vales of the resources.

Volume 1B – Policy background, conservation policies and implementation strategy (PDF 9.3MB)
Addresses the site's constraints and opportunities and provide polices for appropriate management of the cultural heritage resources now and into the future.

Volume 2A and 2B – Inventory of heritage items (PDF 15MB) 
Provides an inventory of heritage items.

Volume 3 – Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment, has not been uploaded to this site as it contains locations of Aboriginal sites that are not publicly available.

Visitor information

South Head in Sydney Harbour National Park is known for its sheer ocean cliffs, military history and Hornby Lighthouse.