A NSW Government website

Air quality in the Upper Hunter Valley

This brochure discusses air pollutants and their health effects, trends in Upper Hunter air quality and what is being done to protect people and air quality. The brochure provides advice on how to have your say on air quality in the Upper Hunter and where to find more information.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922317-44-5 / ID: EES20190618
File: PDF 1.39 MB / Pages 4
Name: air-quality-upper-hunter-valley-190586.pdf
Tags: Fact sheetUpper Hunter

The key messages in the brochure are:

  • The NSW Government has been running 14 air quality monitoring stations in Upper Hunter since 2012.
  • The major sources of particle pollution in the Upper Hunter are coal mining, coal-fired electricity generation, non-road vehicles and equipment, planned burning and bushfires, windblown dust and household wood heating.
  • Particle pollution is invisible to the eye and can be inhaled into the lungs. Long term exposure to fine particles from vehicles, industry, wood smoke and fires can cause and exacerbate heart and lung disease.
  • Upper Hunter air quality in Muswellbrook, Singleton and Aberdeen met national standards 97% of the time in 2012-2018. In warm dry years, particle levels increase and air quality decreases.
  • The NSW Government encourages community members to check the local air quality index to find information on current air pollution levels.
  • The NSW Government regulates industry to reduce emissions of air pollutants.