Marramarra National Park, Muogamarra Nature Reserve and Maroota Historic Site Plan of Management
The three reserves are part of a chain of reserves across northern Sydney which provide a scenic backdrop to the lower Hawkesbury River and conserve important plant and animal communities. They also contain interesting geomorphic features, a large number of Aboriginal sites and a range of historic features, all of which make them important areas for environmental education and research.
This plan of management provides for the protection of the important natural values of Marramarra National Park, Muogamarra Nature Reserve and Maroota Historic Site through weed control, bush regeneration and fire management. It also provides for the protection of cultural heritage through the preparation of conservation assessments and plans and increased involvement of the Aboriginal community. The plan also provides for a range of suitable nature-based recreation opportunities in Marramarra National Park.
Existing controls on access to Muogamarra Nature Reserve, consistent with its long history as a sanctuary, will be continued.
This plan of management was originally adopted by the Minister for the Environment on 14 December 1998. It was amended in accordance with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on 13 September 2016. These amendments are incorporated into this plan.
Photo: View down to the winding Hawkesbury River from Marramarra National Park. Credit: John Spencer/OEH