A NSW Government website

Fire management strategies

National parks and reserves in New South Wales have specific fire management strategies to help the National Parks and Wildlife Service manage hazard reduction activities and bushfires.


Reserve fire management strategies outline how we intend to manage fire operations in parks and reserves to protect life, property, and community and environmental assets in the event of a bushfire.

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The development of fire management strategies is guided by a statewide fire management approach detailed in Living with Fire in NSW National Parks – A strategy for managing bushfires in national parks and reserves 2012–2021.

Fire management strategies are formal documents prepared in accordance with:

The strategies include operational management guidelines and maps showing:

  • previous bushfires and recent burns
  • details of terrain, including natural features that may be useful during bushfire suppression
  • fire management zones that identify the fire management intent for a specific area, such as the protection of houses
  • plant communities or vegetation types, threatened species, Aboriginal and historic heritage sites, park facilities and equipment
  • location of fire trails, water supply points and dams, and helipads.

We have developed these strategies in consultation with the community, bushfire management committees, other fire authorities and land managers.

The strategies are placed on public exhibition before they are finalised and members of the public are encouraged to provide comments.

Fire management strategies are ‘live’ operational documents that can change with each fire season. Contact your local NPWS office if you need more information.

Looking to the future

Fire management is evolving with new science and insights from previous fire seasons. The National Parks and Wildlife Service is introducing a new bushfire planning process to replace the existing reserve fire management strategy process. This new landscape-based approach will be gradually rolled out and aims to enhance fire management across our parks and reserves.