Sydney Harbour National Park Middle Head Historic Buildings Conservation Management Plan

This report provides a physical and documentary analysis of the portion of the site that includes the historic buildings, presents as analysis of its history and the built fabric, makes an assessment of the buildings’ significance, identifies constraints on the buildings, and sets policies for the management of the buildings.
The plan concentrates on the buildings and their immediate surrounds and also addresses a broad area of the site surrounding the buildings. This includes a number historic building sites, landscape features, roadways and drainage features, as well as the fortification boundary wall and moat.
The buildings are listed on the State Heritage Register and, as such, the NSW Heritage Council must endorse this conservation management plan before any works outside standard exemptions commence.
Other park planning documents
Sydney Harbour National Park Plan of Management
Visitor information
Middle Head offers views of Sydney Harbour from the lookout. Explore the historic 1801 Forts and learn more about our military heritage.
Photo: 1801 Forts Sydney, Middle Head, Sydney Harbour National Park / J Yurasek/OEH