Submissions snapshot: Exhibition of Tomaree National Park Draft Plan of Management Amendment and Draft Tomaree Coastal Walk Strategy
The National Parks and Wildlife Service is working with the community to deliver the Tomaree Coastal Walk, a 20-kilometre walk from Tomaree Head to Birubi with new and improved visitor facilities, in Tomaree National Park.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922431-27-1
ID: EES20200238
File: PDF 1.64 MB / Pages 3
Name: tomaree-national-park-submissions-snapshot-200238.pdf
A total of 137 submissions were received from a broad range of stakeholders. This summary outlines the main issues raised in submissions and changes made following the review. It does not provide an exhaustive report on submissions.