A NSW Government website

How to record koala vehicle strike and monitor mitigation efforts

Koala Vehicle Strike Fact sheet 4

This fact sheet aims to increase awareness about the impact of vehicle strike on koalas. It focuses on methods used to record koala vehicle strike and monitor the effectiveness of strategies used to reduce vehicle strike.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment - Environment, Energy and Science
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922431-22-6 / ID: EES20200232
File: PDF 664.66 KB / Pages 8
Name: koalavehiclestrikefactsheet4howrecordkoalavehiclestrikemonitormitigation200232.pdf
Tags: Fact sheetKoalas

Vehicle strike is recognised as a key threat to koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in New South Wales.

This fact sheet is one in a series of 4 developed to provide councils and the community with information about how we can reduce the impact of vehicle strike on koalas.

The 3 other fact sheets in this series include: