Kajuligah Nature Reserve Plan of Management
Kajuligah Nature Reserve is one of only five significant nature conservation areas in Central NSW west of Condobolin between the Barrier Highway and the Lachlan River and east of the Darling River. The other four are the Yathong-Nombinnie-Round Hill Nature Reserves complex to the east and Willandra National Park, Mallee Cliffs National Park and Mungo National Park to the south. All are representative of very different landscapes and ecological systems.
Kajuligah Nature Reserve is situated within the Darling Depression land system and contains vegetation typical of this land system. The nature reserve protects small samples of several vegetation community types which suggests that the reserve is an ecotone or overlap area of several ecological regions of Western NSW. The main vegetation types occurring are belahrosewood (Casuarina cristata-Heterodendrum oleifolium) woodlands, bimble box, callitris and mulga woodlands and grasslands with scattered trees.
The reserve supports at least 62 bird species, including the pink cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri) which is recognised as vulnerable under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, in addition to 6 reptile and 3 mammal species.