Western Sydney Dry Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - Determination to make a minor amendment to Part 3 of Schedule 1 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act
The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Determination to make a minor amendment to Part 3 of Schedule 1 (Endangered ecological communities) of the Act by inserting the Western Sydney Dry Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion (as described in the determination of the Scientific Committee under Division 5 Part 2) and as a consequence to omit reference to the Western Sydney Dry Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion (as described in the final determination to list the ecological community) which was published on pages 2301 to 2305 in the NSW Government Gazette No. 39 dated 24 March 2000. Minor amendments to the Schedules are provided for by Division 5 of Part 2 of the Act.
The Scientific Committee is of the opinion that the amendment is necessary or desirable to correct minor errors or omissions in the Determination in relation to the Thackway and Cresswell (1995) reference.
NSW Scientific Committee - final determination
The Scientific Committee has found that:
1. The Western Sydney Dry Rainforest (WSDR) is the name given to the plant community from the local government areas of Camden, Wollondilly, Fairfield, Hawkesbury and Baulkham Hills (within the Sydney Basin Bioregion sensu Thackway and Cresswell 1995) that is characterised by the following assemblage of species:
Abutilon oxycarpum | Acacia elata |
Acacia implexa | Acacia maidenii |
Acacia parramattensis | Acacia penninervis |
Adiantum aethiopicum | Allocasuarina torulosa |
Alphitonia excelsa | Aphanopetalum resinosum |
Arthropodium milleflorum | Asplenium flabellifolium |
Austrostipa ramosissima | Backhousia myrtifolia |
Brachychiton populneus | Breynia oblongifolia |
Brunoniella australis | Bursaria spinosa |
Callistemon salignus | Carex declinata |
Carex inversa | Carex longebrachiata |
Cassine australis var. australis | Cayratia clematidea |
Celastrus australis | Cheilanthes distans |
Cheilanthes sieberi subsp . sieberi | Chloris truncata |
Chloris ventricosa | Cissus antarctica |
Citriobatus pauciflorus | Claoxylon australe |
Clematis aristata | Clematis glycinoides var. glycinoides |
Clerodendrum tomentosum | Commelina cyanea |
Convolvulus erubescens | Corymbia maculata |
Croton verreauxii | Cymbopogon refractus |
Cynanchum elegans | Cyperus enervis |
Cyperus gracilis | Cyperus imbecillis |
Cyperus laevis | Danthonia racemosa var . racemosa |
Deeringia amaranthoides | Desmodium brachypodum |
Desmodium varians | Dianella longifolia |
Dichondra repens | Diospyros australis |
Doodia aspera | Doodia caudata var . caudata |
Echinopogon caespitosus var. caespitosus | Echinopogon ovatus |
Ehretia acuminata | Einadia hastata |
Einadia nutans subsp . nutans | Einadia trigonos subsp . trigonos |
Entolasia marginata | Entolasia stricta |
Eragrostis leptostachya | Eucalyptus crebra |
Eucalyptus moluccana | Eucalyptus pilularis |
Eucalyptus quadrangulata | Eucalyptus tereticornis |
Eustrephus latifolius | Exocarpos cupressiformis |
Ficus rubiginosa | Galium binifolium |
Galium migrans | Galium propinquum |
Geijera latifolia | Geitonoplesium cymosum |
Geranium homeanum | Geranium solanderi var . solanderi |
Glycine clandestina | Glycine sp.A |
Glycine tabacina | Gnaphalium sphaericum |
Guioa semiglauca | Hardenbergia violacea |
Hydrocotyle tripartita | Hymenanthera dentata |
Imperata cylindrica var . major | Juncus usitatus |
Kennedia rubicunda | Legnephora moorei |
Leucopogon juniperinus | Maclura cochinchinensis |
Marsdenia flavescens | Marsdenia rostrata |
Marsdenia viridiflora | Melaleuca styphelioides |
Melia azedarach var . australasica | Melicope micrococca |
Mentha satureioides | Microlaena stipoides var . stipoides |
Morinda jasminoides | Notelaea longifolia forma longifolia |
Notelaea venosa | Nyssanthes erecta |
Olearia viscidula | Omalanthus populifolius |
Omalanthus stillingiifolius | Oplismenus aemulus |
Oplismenus imbecillis | Oxalis perennans |
Pandorea pandorana | Parsonsia straminea |
Paspalidium criniforme | Passiflora herbertiana subsp. herbertiana |
Pellaea falcata var . falcata | Persoonia linearis |
Phyllanthus gasstroemii | Phyllanthus gunnii |
Pittosporum revolutum | Plantago debilis |
Plectranthus parviflorus | Poa affinis |
Poa labillardieri | Polyscias sambucifolia subsp. A |
Pratia purpurascens | Pseuderanthemum variabile |
Psychotria loniceroides | Pteridium esculentum |
Pteris tremula | Pyrrosia rupestris |
Rapanea variabilis | Ripogonum album |
Rubus parvifolius | Rubus ulmifolius |
Rumex brownii | Sarcopetalum harveyanum |
Scutellaria humilis | Senecio hispidulus var . hispidulus |
Senecio linearifolius | Senecio quadridentatus |
Senna clavigera | Sicyos australis |
Sigesbeckia orientalis subsp. orientalis | Smilax glyciphylla |
Solanum brownii | Solanum prinophyllum |
Solanum pungetium | Solanum stelligerum |
Stellaria flaccida | Stenocarpus salignus |
Stephania japonica var . discolor | Streblus brunonianus |
Stypandra glauca | Syncarpia glomulifera |
Toona ciliata | Trema aspera |
Tylophora barbata | Urtica incisa |
Wahlenbergia gracilis |
2. The total species list of the community is considerably larger than that given in 1 (above), with many species present in only one or two sites or in very small quantity. In any particular site not all of the assemblage listed in 1 may be present. At any one time, seeds of some species may only be present in the soil seed bank with no above-ground individuals present. The species composition of the site will be influenced by the size of the site and by its recent disturbance history. The number of species and the above-ground composition of species will change with time since fire, and may also change in response to changes in fire frequency.
3. WSDR has been recorded from the local government areas of Camden, principally near Cobbitty, Fairfield (Fairfield City Farm) and Wollondilly (Razorback Range), Hawkesbury and Baulkham Hills (within the Sydney Basin Bioregion). Bioregions are defined in Thackway and Cresswell (1995).
4. WSDR is typically associated with gullies and sheltered slopes of hilly, relatively steep sections of the generally elevated Cumberland Plain in the Razorback Range from Cobbitty to Picton, and sporadically elsewhere in Western Sydney including Fairfield City Farm, Grose Vale and Cattai. Soils are clay soils on Wianamatta Shale.
5. The structure of the community was originally a canopy of dry vine thicket rainforest as a similar understorey in eucalypt forest or woodland, but as a result of partial clearance it may now exist as woodland or shrubland.
6. WSDR includes vegetation described by National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) – referred to as Dry Rainforest in UBBS (1997); referred to as Vine Thicket in Benson & Howell (1990); referred to as Dry Rainforest in Benson, Howell & McDougall (1996) and James, McDougall & Benson (1999). The vegetation was also referred to as Cobbitty Vine Thicket and is included in the Camden Significant Tree and Vegetated Landscape Study.
7. Significant species for WSDR listed by NPWS (1997) include: Cynanchum elegans, Croton verreauxii, Streblus brunonianus, Legnephore moorei, Deeringia amaranthoides, Diospyros australis, Celastrus australis, Geijera latifolia, Solanum stelligerum, Maclura cochinchinensis, Aphanopetalum resinosum and Senna clavigera.
8. Sites where WSDR remnants are found are less than 2 ha. in area and are mostly located on private property. An occurrence of WSDR is known from Cattai National Park.
9. Occurrences of WSDR have been reduced to tiny remnants by clearing. The remnants are subject to disturbance and edge effects as a consequence of small size and threatened by woody weed invasion particularly by African Olive Olea europea subsp africana.
10. In view of the small size of existing remnants, the threat of further clearing and disturbance, the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that Western Sydney Dry Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion is likely to become extinct in nature unless factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate and that listing as an endangered ecological community is warranted.
Dr Richard Major
Scientific Committee
Proposed Gazettal date: 14/10/11
Exhibition period: 14/10/11 - 9/12/11
Note this ecological community was originally listed in 2000 as indicated in the determination
Benson, D and Howell, J. (1990) Taken for Granted; The Bushland of Sydney and its Suburbs. (Kangaroo Press: Kenthurst).
Benson, D., Howell, J. and McDougall, L (1996) A Guide to Natural Vegetation in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment. (Royal Botanic Gardens: Sydney).
National Parks & Wildlife Service (1997), Urban Bushland Biodiversity Survey of Western Sydney. (National Parks and Wildlife Service: Sydney).
James, T. McDougall, L & Benson, D. (1999) Rare Bushland Plants of Western Sydney (Royal Botanic Gardens: Sydney).
Landarc Landscape Architects (1993) Camden Significant Tree and Vegetated Landscape Study (Camden Municipal Council).
Thackway R, Cresswell ID (1995) An interim biogeographic regionalisation for Australia: a framework for setting priorities in the National Reserves System Cooperative Program. (Version 4.0. Australian Nature Conservation Agency: Canberra.)