Bomaderry Creek Regional Park Plan of Management
Bomaderry Creek Regional Park is rich in biodiversity. It protects a number of threatened animals and plants including the endangered Bomaderry zieria. The population of Albatross mallee in the park has been listed as an endangered population. The park and surrounding bushland are of high Aboriginal heritage significance and the local Aboriginal community has retained strong cultural associations with the park.
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 requires that a plan of management be prepared for each regional park. A draft plan of management for Bomaderry Creek Regional Park was placed on public exhibition from 25 October 2013 to 3 February 2014. The submissions received were carefully considered before adopting this plan.
The plan contains a number of actions to protect our natural environment, including protection of threatened species and communities, targeted threatened species fauna surveys, control of pest plants and animals, and fire management to protect both biodiversity and the community. The plan also provides opportunities for scenic viewing, bushwalking, leashed dog walking and picnicking.