Wildlife rescue and rehabilitation Standards of care The codes of practice, training standards, care guidelines, and compliance tools for consistent wildlife rehabilitation standards.east Obtaining a licence Biodiversity Conservation Licences are required under the BC Act to rehabilitate a sick, injured or orphaned protected animal.east Wildlife rehabilitation reporting All wildlife rehabilitation providers must maintain records of the animals they rescue and submit them annually to NPWS.east Caring for wildlife carers Wildlife rescue and care is a mentally and physically challenging job. This package of support resources has been designed to help.open_in_new Wildlife Heroes Podcast Discusses the mental wellbeing of wildlife volunteers and the fantastic contribution they make to native species conservation.open_in_new Wildlife webinar series A series of webinars for the volunteer wildlife rehabilitations sector across various topics on wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and health.open_in_new Helping koalas in emergencies Guidelines for the rescue and care of injured and distressed koalas in an emergency such as fire or drought.east You may also be interested in Building our knowledge east NSW Koala Strategy east Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan open_in_new