A NSW Government website

Developing management thresholds for the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage framework for trialling horse riding on wilderness trails

This document compliments the Monitoring Framework for Wilderness Horse Riding Trial (OEH, 2014) by outlining the process used to establish management thresholds (acceptable limits of change) and providing the outputs from the four workshops held to achieve this end.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
File: PDF 827.71 KB / Pages 19
Name: horse-riding-developing-management-thresholds-for-oeh-framework-report.pdf
Tags: FinalPark management

In November 2012 the NSW Government released Strategic Directions for Horse Riding in NSW National Parks – the 'strategy'.

The strategy committed to providing horse riding opportunities in parks, including the implementation of a 2-year pilot program involving a trial of horse riding in 5 wilderness areas, subject to adopted amendments to plans of management for the relevant parks. The proposed pilot program was to be based on a strategic adaptive management framework. The framework for this pilot program involved implementing a 5-step process in collaboration with user groups (particularly the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Horse Riding Consultative Group), regional advisory committee members, NPWS field staff, specialists and an expert panel. This included 4 workshops, which were run using a structured decision-making (SDM) approach.

This document builds on the Monitoring Framework for Wilderness Horse Riding Trial, further explains the SDM process and documents the outcomes of the workshops.