Sandon River and Woody Head campgrounds submissions report
Public exhibition of draft coastal hazard response plans
Hazards including erosion, recession and inundation are currently threatening the use of Sandon River and Woody Head campgrounds and their natural and cultural values. The National Parks and Wildlife Service has prepared coastal hazard response plans for the campgrounds. This report provides a summary of the community feedback received on the draft plans.
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923285-40-8 / ID: EH20240257
File: PDF 1.38 MB / Pages 0
Name: sandon-river-woody-head-chrp-submissions-report-240257.pdf
To ensure community views, concerns and aspirations about the future management of the campgrounds were considered, a 4-phase consultation process was undertaken to develop the plans. The draft coastal hazard response plans were exhibited for public feedback from 27 June to 29 July 2024. A total of 14 submissions were received and this report summarises the feedback and how it has been considered.
More information about the coastal hazard response plans and the process is available on our consultation webpage.