New look
The Saving our Species public register of conservation strategies has been updated with a refreshed look.
See our user guidance webpage for tips to help you find what you are searching for in the public register.
When a new species or ecological community is listed as threatened in New South Wales, a conservation strategy is developed within 2 years and exhibited for public consultation.
A conservation strategy identifies the priority sites or priority areas, critical threats and management actions needed to secure the species or ecological community in the wild.
Once finalised, each strategy is added to the public register.
Search the public register
The public register allows the public to search for and view:
- conservation strategies for any New South Wales listed species or ecological community by name
- a map of New South Wales to find out about threatened species and ecological communities in their local area.
The public register is a requirement under Division 2 of Part 9 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
Saving our Species database
More detailed information about the implementation of each conservation strategy is captured by the Saving our Species (SoS) database and reported each year by the SoS program.
Land managers, researchers, project managers and others involved in conservation work who contribute to the delivery of conservation strategies can apply to become registered users of the SoS database.
A registered user is able to:
- access more detailed information on management and monitoring outcomes for a particular species, ecological community or key threatening process of interest
- report on implementation of conservation actions and outcomes.
To apply to become an SoS database registered user, email [email protected] and include which species and actions you are working on.
Threatened biodiversity profiles database
If you’ve landed on this page and are looking for threatened species data collections and profiles, go to the Threatened biodiversity profiles database.
The threatened biodiversity profiles are part of the BioNet Atlas, which includes a number of other data collections.
Contact us
Saving our Species Program
Email: [email protected]
Stay in touch
- Subscribe to the Saving our Species newsletter.
- Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn or X.
- Search the Public register of Saving our Species conservation strategies