A NSW Government website

Parks, reserves and protected areas

Areas protected by the National Parks and Wildlife Act play a critical role in protecting biodiversity, natural and cultural heritage.

Barrenjoey Lighthouse Track, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park

From outback walking tracks and coastal lookouts to picturesque campgrounds and beaches, you’ll never run out of things to do in NSW national parks.

Wonboyn Beach, Nadgee Nature Reserve

Parks, reserves and protected areas within the national parks system cover a diverse range of environments that we manage for conservation.

Bushwalkers on the Koolewong Track, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park

Each year we acquire new land for our parks system to protect biodiversity and cultural heritage and to provide areas for recreation.

A National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) ranger standing on a walkway at Muttonbird Island Nature Reserve in Coffs Harbour

Find plans of management, statements of management intent, fire and pest management strategies, and other information about how we manage parks.

Nattai National Park part of The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area

Our park management policies are designed to protect native plants, animals and ecosystems while meeting the needs of business operators and visitors.

Humpback whale breaching

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service provides many opportunities for commercial activities that are compatible with the protection of our natural and cultural heritage.

Hastings Forest Way, Willi Willi National Park

We have clear guidelines for use in assessing developments proposed within or adjoining national parks, aquatic reserves and marine parks.

Bushfire hazard sign showing 'your fire risk today' with a range from moderate, high, extreme and catastrophic.

Find up-to-date information on fires, floods and park closures.

Small mouse-like mammal with roo-like tail and back legs

Conservation strategies include protecting assets of intergenerational significance, tracking ecological health through performance scorecards, managing pest animals and weeds, returning threatened and declining species, and aiming for zero extinctions of threatened species.