A NSW Government website

Protecting koala habitat

Protecting high-quality koala habitat, whether on public or private land, is a key pillar of the NSW Koala Strategy. It will help stabilise koala population and benefit other native plants and animals.


The NSW Government has allocated $50 million to purchase and permanently conserve land in the national park system that contains priority koala habitat. 

Landholders interested in selling a property to the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) are encouraged to lodge an expression of interest. Other options are also available to landholders interested in protecting koala habitat on their land. 

You may be able to sell your property to NPWS 

As a landholder (titleholder), you can lodge an expression of interest by contacting the Reserve Establishment Team by: 

  • email at [email protected] 
  • post to:
    Reserve Establishment Team 
    Locked Bag 5022 
    Parramatta NSW 2124 

Your expression of interest or offer should include the following information: 

  • your contact details (at least an address and contact number or email) 
  • the location and description of the land (lot and DP numbers) or a map 
  • an asking price for land (if known) 
  • conditions associated with the offer of sale (if applicable) 
  • why you think your land is important for koalas.

What is considered high-priority koala habitat?

For a property to be considered a high priority, it may: 

  • contain koala habitat 
  • contain evidence of use by koalas 
  • be well-connected to surrounding vegetation or enable better management of threats to koalas in that location. 

In addition, NPWS will assess whether the land is suitable for addition within the national park estate using the following criteria: 

  • the property's proximity to existing national parks 
  • specific management requirements and whether the department has the capacity to manage the property 
  • other natural and cultural values 
  • value for money 
  • competing land use interest such as potential for mineral resources and timber harvesting 
  • the social and economic impacts of reserving the land. 

Please be assured an expression of interest does not obligate you to anything. An expression of interest should not in any way influence your personal or business undertakings. 

What is the land acquisition process?

For each property offered, NPWS will complete a desktop assessment to determine its values and whether they align with the koala and other national park criteria. 

If the desktop assessment indicates that the property holds values of interest, NPWS will arrange to visit the property and fully assess the values. 

If the full assessment determines the property holds significant conservation value, NPWS will determine its suitability for reservation and whether to proceed with the acquisition process or decline the land offer. 

NPWS may also consider the purchase of part of a property or lot on a case-by-case basis. To subdivide a lot or property, you may require the consent of council. An application for subdivision may be refused through that process. 

More information on the land acquisition process can be found at Acquiring land for conservation reserves

Is NPWS also approaching landholders directly?

NPWS is looking for land with priority koala habitat available. However, properties must be offered to NPWS or be available on the open market, as NPWS does not directly canvass individual landowners for potential sale. 

Community groups and other interested stakeholders can propose lands they feel may have priority koala habitat. NPWS will consider these proposals in the context of identified priority koala habitat information, the proposal's likely affordability and the proposal's suitability for addition to the national parks system. They must also be on the open market or offered for sale directly to NPWS. 

Contact your Local Land Services office 

You can get in touch with your Local Land Services office for advice and support about how to manage koala habitat on your land. 

Enter into a conservation agreement 

You can enter into a voluntary private land conservation agreement with the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) to protect koala habitat on your land. The BCT offers 3 types of voluntary private land conservation agreements: 

  • Wildlife Refuge Agreements 
  • Conservation Agreements 
  • Biodiversity Stewardship Agreements.

Contact us

Reserve Establishment Unit

Phone: 1300 361 967

Email: [email protected]