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Communities for nature

Work with your neighbours and local council to green your neighbourhood. Connect habitat in your gardens, plant more trees in your streets, or set up a community garden.

Sydney is becoming more urbanised. Greening the city and its suburbs and promoting biodiversity are important to creating a sustainable city for the future.

Greener streets with more trees and shrubs will:

  • help keep your suburb cool
  • let you breathe easier with cleaner air
  • connect you with nature
  • help slow and filter local flooding
  • increase property values
  • attract native birds, bees and butterflies
  • connect to other green areas and create corridors for our wildlife
  • help you feel calmer, happier and healthier.
Green low growing plants in a verge garden with paper bark tree behind and a concrete footpath runningalong left-hand side. Front fences to terrace house on other side of footpath.

Verge garden

Connect with your local community

You can work with your neighbours or as community to make your suburb richer in nature by:

  • removing weeds
  • restoring local bushland
  • watering your street trees in summer and keeping them mulched to keep the moisture and weeds at bay
  • joining your local community garden or create one
  • talking to your neighbours and local council about planting trees or creating a verge garden
  • getting involved in the Australian Museum’s Streamwatch, Waterbug Watch or other citizen science programs for community groups to monitor water quality and the health of local waterways.
Children and adults work together to plant a small tree, hands steadying the pot on soil. The scene conveys teamwork and nurturing in a garden setting.

Getting ready to plant a small tree in the ground.

Green your streets

As well as looking after your street trees, you can add greenery to your street by planting a verge garden.

Verge gardens are also a great way to provide habitat for native animals like bees and butterflies.

If you want to plant out your verge:

  • find out whether your local council supports planting out street verges
  • talk to your neighbours and get them involved
  • make sure there’s enough space to open car doors and position bins – council guidelines will provide details
  • consider the space, what to plant and its position – some councils discourage growing edible plants on verges
  • choose plants that don’t grow higher than 1 metre – native plants are ideal but avoid spiky plants
  • contact Dial Before You Dig to check whether there are any utilities under the verge.

Bringing beauty to Bondi Junction

In just 3 years, Liane Rossler has turned the verge outside her ceramic studio into a beautiful native garden.

Admired by her Bondi Junction neighbours and pedestrians, the garden is bringing nature to the street.

‘The garden has had an enormous impact – whenever I’m out watering the garden, almost everyone stops to chat. Lots of people walk this way now to see the garden and appreciate the nature it brings.’

The garden was initially inspired by Liane who saw a gum tree down the road with rainbow lorikeets.

‘It was so beautiful that I planted a gum tree and this year it flowered for the first time.’

Liane wanted to make space for pollinators, like bees and butterflies, in the built up commercial and residential area. She looked first for plants that would attract these insects, as well as grow under powerlines. She also planted native grasses and plants that would adapt to increasing temperatures.

‘I wanted to create a feeling of harmony, like the bush. We always try and control nature, but we should be nurturing nature, and letting it do its thing. If little things like dandelions pop up, then leave them.

‘Bees and butterflies love the flowers, and their leaves are great in salads. It’s remarkable what’s changed in a year – it’s nice to imagine the future.’

Creating gardens for life

Bronte and Tamarama residents can receive free plants and expert advice to create bird friendly gardens under Waverley Council’s Living Connection program.

Council mapping showed that habitat corridors are extremely fragmented, making it hard for wildlife, like small birds, to move between remnants to feed and reproduce.

Vicky Bachelard, Waverley Council’s Sustainability Communities Officer, said that private gardens are important as they have the potential to connect these corridors. ‘We want to bring superb fairy wrens and New Holland honeyeaters back to our gardens, as they have largely disappeared from our area. Residents can receive tailored garden advice and suitable plants to turn their gardens into an oasis for their family and these special birds.’

Connecting remnants will also help with native plant pollination, germination and dispersal.

Two women on a front verandah with red brick wall and tessellated tiles, one woman from council in bright orange rain jacket giving native plants to the other who is holding a brochure with Living Connections on the cover.

A community member taking part in the Living Connections program to enhance native wildlife and habitat.

Share your pictures

Share your pictures across social media and show us what you’re doing to help Sydney’s native plants and animals.




Kids learn how to help nature in the city

Street trees

Healthy trees and shrubs add big benefits to local residents.

To look after your street trees:

  • water them when they need it, especially in summer
  • mulch around their base, keeping the trunk clear, to help keep the moisture in and the weeds out – don’t mulch with grass clippings as this can bring weeds.
  • keep your mower and whipper-snipper away from the tree to avoid damaging or ringbarking the tree.

Contact us

Sydney Nature Team

Email: [email protected]