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Aboriginal Joint Management Newsletter: Issue 1, January 2023

Our first newsletter covers progress made in stage 1 of the consultation process about a new model of Aboriginal joint management.

An artwork created for the Aboriginal joint management project by Aboriginal artist Nathan Peckham, who is a proud Tubba-gah man from Wiradjuri Nation. Yirrayirra Waga-dyi means 'Bush Dance' in Wiradjuri language. The artwork draws inspiration from the theme of Aboriginal people managing Aboriginal Country and Culture on park reserves in partnership with NPWS. It is a celebration of their connection to the land, sea, waters, and sky.

Yirrayirra Waga-dyi Bush Dance

Yirrayirra Waga-dyi

Artist: Nathan Peckham, a proud Tubba-gah man from Wiradjuri Nation 
Year: 2023 
Commissioned by: Aboriginal joint management project 
The story: This artwork is titled Yirrayirra Waga-dyi, which means ‘bush dance’ in Wiradjuri language. The artwork draws inspiration from the theme of Aboriginal people managing Country and culture on park reserves in partnership with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. It is a celebration of their connection to the land, sea, waters, and sky.

Much has happened since the former Minister for Environment, James Griffin, announced the development of a new model for Aboriginal joint management of NSW national parks on 3 July 2022.

A new Aboriginal Joint Management Unit has been established by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to oversee the development of the proposed new model.

This model will see the potential handback of title to every national park in New South Wales to Aboriginal owners over the next 15 to 20 years. Land would be leased back to the NSW Government for its continued use and management as national park.

The process

The consultation process will include targeted regional workshops and broad public consultation, including a request for input on the proposed model. There will be 3 broad stages of consultation:

  • Stage 1 – will focus on understanding public aspirations and issues.
  • Stage 2 – will invite comment on a draft model developed based on feedback from Stage 1.
  • Stage 3 – will assess feedback from Stage 2, refine the proposed model and release of the updated model for public comment. Thirriwirri, an Aboriginal company that specialises in independent facilitation, was engaged to lead the regional Aboriginal workshops.

Stage 1 consultation

Participants seated at a ring of white desks facing a screen watch a presentation about the Aboriginal joint management model at the custodians workshop, in Ballina

Participants watch a presentation about the Aboriginal joint management model at a custodians workshop in Ballina.

Stage 1 of the consultation was held in 2022–23. Regional Aboriginal workshops were held across the state and online. The workshops and online survey were open to Aboriginal people only. Details about Stage 1 are available on the Aboriginal Joint Management model consultation webpage.

1. Regional Aboriginal workshops are an ‘open-house’ facilitation style where participants can speak one-on-one or in small groups with Thirriwirri facilitators. The sessions are open to Aboriginal people only and anyone from the local Aboriginal community is welcome. Sessions commenced in late 2022 and there were workshops throughout February 2023.

A circle of 6 people sitting in chairs inside a white-walled room with a glass door and a large glass window behind them at the Aboriginal joint management regional Aboriginal workshop in Katoomba.

An Aboriginal joint management regional Aboriginal workshop in progress in Katoomba.

2. Online Aboriginal Workshops were held for those who were unable to attend a workshop in person. Thirriwirri will be hosting 2 online sessions on Tuesday 14 February and Monday 27 February 2023. These sessions follow a similar format to the Regional Aboriginal workshops. Online participants were given the opportunity to answer questions and share their aspirations for joint management in small groups with a facilitator. These sessions are also open only to Aboriginal people.

3. An online survey was also available for Aboriginal people to provide feedback in their own time. The survey included the 6 key questions discussed during the Stage 1 workshops. The survey closed on 3 March 2023 at 11.59 pm (AEDT). The online survey was open to Aboriginal people only.

Stakeholder consultative groups

Two external consultative groups, an Aboriginal consultative group and stakeholder consultative group, and an inter-agency reference group advise NPWS in developing the new model.

The stakeholder representatives include:

  • 4 current joint management custodians
  • NSW Aboriginal Land Council
  • Native Title Services, NTSCorp
  • Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee
  • La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council
  • NSW Aboriginal Tourism Operators Council
  • Tourism and Transport Forum Australia
  • Australian Tourism Export Council
  • Outdoors NSW and ACT
  • Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT Inc
  • NSW Farmers Association
  • a representative nominated by the National Parks Association of NSW and NSW Nature Conservation Council
  • agencies across relevant areas of the NSW Government.
Group shot of 20 people. First row is sitting, and the second row is standing behind them.

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff with attendees of the Aboriginal Joint Management Custodians Workshop held in Dubbo.


Stage 1 workshops commenced in September 2023. Ten regional Aboriginal workshops and 4 custodians workshops were run in 2022. Some workshops were postponed due to local flooding, COVID-19 and Sorry Business. More Stage 1 workshops will be run in February 2023 starting at Armidale.

The workshops in late 2022 were attended by more than 100 participants, who showed genuine interest in the proposed Aboriginal joint management model and provided valuable input regarding their aspirations for, and their views about the model.

Workshop progress

Progress on the Custodian and Regional Aboriginal workshops
Workshops and participantsCustodian workshopsRegional Aboriginal workshopsTotal
Number of workshops delivered41014
Number of attendees6199160

Upcoming workshops

Upcoming Custodian and Regional Aboriginal workshops
Planned and postponed workshopsCustodian workshopsRegional Aboriginal workshopsTotal
Number of workshops planned for February/March 20239716
Number of workshops postponed due to Sorry Business, flooding, illness, etc.7

Workshop schedule

Schedule for the Custodian and Regional Aboriginal workshops
24 September 2022Narrabri1 February 2023Armidale (RAW)
15 October 2022Dubbo2 February 2023Coffs Harbour
1 November 2022Balina7 February 2023Broken Hill
10 November 2022Katoomba (RAW)8 February 2023Broken Hill (RAW)
14 November 2022Newcastle (RAW)10 February 2023Bourke
15 November 2022Bulahdelah (RAW)13 February 2023Campbelltown (RAW)
21 November 2022Grafton (RAW)15 February 2023Narooma
21 November 2022Nowra (RAW)21 February 2023Wagga Wagga (RAW)
22 November 2022Narooma (RAW)21 February 2023Griffith
1 December 2022Redfern (RAW)22 February 2023Griffith (RAW)
2 December 2022Kempsey (RAW)23 February 2023Moama
7 December 2022Buladelah27 February 2023Online (RAW)
8 December 2022Dubbo (RAW)2 March 2023Jindabyne
9 December 2022Online (RAW)7 March 2023Katoomba
9 March 2023Online

Note: RAW = Regional Aboriginal workshop

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Aboriginal Joint Management Unit

Email: [email protected]