A NSW Government website

Our impact

Our work addresses some of the biggest environmental challenges we face today.


We are proud to share the knowledge our research generates to support a healthy and resilient environment across New South Wales.

We deliver work that is credible, accessible and impactful. The success of our work stems from our:

  • scientific approach
  • expertise and the advice we provide
  • strategic partnerships with stakeholders and the community
  • leading scientific facilities, equipment and data assets.

Our recent research achievements

  • We run Australia’s most comprehensive air quality network. We’re integrating low-cost sensors that will give us air quality information at the street level. Find out more about how air quality monitoring is getting a boost.
  • Our Beachwatch team and partners monitor water quality at over 200 swim sites located at our ocean beaches, estuaries, lakes and lagoons. This case study on pollution at Rose Bay in Sydney shows how our water quality science is delivering safer swimming.
  • We’re driving the charge to recognise the economic value of the environment with our natural capital programs, which include environmental accounting and metrics. We are committed to make it a success.
  • Our Net Zero Dashboard provides information about New South Wales' progress towards our ‘net zero by 2050’ commitment. For example, the dashboard shows emissions by local government area and industry sector, which will help inform local decisions.
  • Our Biodiversity Indicator Program tracks the status and trends of biodiversity across the state. It’s being considered by other states and the Australian Government as an exemplary method to monitor biodiversity.
  • We conduct regional climate modelling through the NSW and Australian Regional Climate Modelling initiative (NARCliM). This work will provide climate projections out to 2100 for New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, South Australia and Western Australia.
  • We’re using new technology like drones and artificial intelligence to work out the best survey methods to monitor koalas. Our autonomous drones outperform humans in locating koalas. This is helping us get an accurate koala count across the state.
  • We’ve developed a new way to map fire extent and severity using remote sensing. This method was used by fire agencies and researchers in the wake of the black summer bushfires to prioritise conservation responses.
  • Our estuary monitoring program tracks the environmental condition of our estuaries across New South Wales. This work has been ongoing for over 20 years. Our report cards and online data provide information to councils and the community.
  • Our soil erosion modelling helps protect agricultural natural assets across the state. This was used to work out how to prevent sediments washing into Warragamba dam during the east coast low that followed the 2019–20 bushfires.
  • Our risk-based framework for water quality is tackling water pollution at the source. This work will inform the design of our Western Sydney Aerotropolis to achieve the best water quality outcomes for the environment.
  • Our oil fingerprinting technique can match and identify the exact source of an oil spill. This supports the NSW Environment Protection Authority in its regulatory work.
  • We've developed new approaches to cultural burning protocols with communities to expand cultural and environmental outcomes.