Whole-plant sustainable management plan 2023–27
For commercial harvest, salvage and propagation of protected whole plants in New South Wales
This management plan refines and consolidates the existing licensing framework to target regulation towards species at risk from unsustainable harvesting and ensure best practice management is applied consistently across New South Wales.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922900-06-7
ID: EHG20220542
File: PDF 1.21 MB / Pages 63
Name: whole-plant-sustainable-management-plan-2023-27-220542.pdf
The plan is an educational resource designed to raise awareness among industry stakeholders and the broader community of the range of issues affecting the management and conservation of protected and threatened plant species that are used commercially.
It replaces the Whole plant sustainable management plan for the commercial harvest, salvage and propagation of protected whole plants in NSW 2018–22.