Brand guidelines
The Environment and Heritage brand guidelines are designed to get you up and running with the Environment and Heritage visual identity.
Environment and Heritage is part of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, a subsidiary of the NSW Government, which means it is wholly owned and governed by the NSW Government, maintaining a strong affiliation with them through the logo and other brand elements.
The Environment and Heritage brand guidelines address both pure Environment and Heritage branding and its programs' branding – for example, the Saving our Species program.
Where Environment and Heritage is the publisher of a document, the Environment and Heritage brand guidelines apply. Only the NSW Government waratah logo should appear on the cover.
Templates are available on the Environment and Heritage intranet and the Environment and Heritage Image Library.
Acknowledgment of funding or content support should be included on the imprint page (or on the back panel of a small format publication).
Where more than one NSW Government agency co-publishes a document, the single NSW Government waratah logo will be used. Agency contributions can be listed as text on the imprint page (or on the back panel of a small format publication), but multiple logos should not be included.
For enquiries about NSW Government waratah logo use, please email the Brand and Design Team at [email protected].
NSW Government branding style guide
The NSW Government Branding visual identity system explains the principles behind the brand and how to correctly apply the NSW Government logo in advertising, social media, signage and external communications.
Use of the logo
The master brand for the department's advertising, social media, and external communications is the NSW Government waratah logo.
All Environment and Heritage communications should use the colour NSW Government waratah.
Internal communications use the NSW Government waratah logo. Department logos (lockups) were retired with the introduction of the new NSW Government brand at the end of 2021.
Descriptors, such as department names, are decoupled from the waratah. Please refer to the NSW Government masterbrand guidelines.
For enquiries about the department and NSW Government waratah logo use, please email the Brand and Design Team at [email protected].
Download logos
NSW Government waratah logo
The full colour waratah logo should be used at all times. The colour logo in a white bounding box can be used as a last resort.
Please refer to the Environment and Heritage brand guidelines for logo usage information.

File type | Download file |
PNG | Waratah NSW Government logo colour (PNG 129KB) |
JPG | Waratah NSW Government logo colour large (JPG 383KB) |
JPG | Waratah NSW Government logo colour small (JPG 159KB) |
EPS files are available on request from the Brand and Design team at [email protected].
Tips for downloaded files
Downloading files
To download a file, right-click on the file name link and select 'save target/link as'.
Sometimes in the process of downloading image files, file endings are renamed – for example, xxx.eps files can become files. Before inserting images, rename downloaded files to restore the .eps ending.
File types
- PNG files are suitable for use on webpages.
- JPG files are suitable for low-cost print and web production.
- EPS files should be used only by professional designers and staff experienced in using the encapsulated postscript (EPS files) version of logos and sub-brands. EPS can be used only with specialist software. After downloading an EPS file, the extension '.ps' will need to be replaced with '.eps' before it can be used.
Working with downloaded files
Inserting images into Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint
- From the 'Insert' menu select 'Picture', then 'From File'.
- Scroll to the correct file type in the from 'Files of type' box at the bottom of the dialogue box.
- Browse to the file.
- In Word, check the 'Float over text' box if you want to be able to move your image freely around your page. Leave the box unchecked if you want the image to be inserted at the cursor position and the image to move with the text.
- Click the 'Insert' button.
Creating transparent backgrounds in PowerPoint
Also see the PowerPoint help topic – create transparent areas in picture.
- Select the picture.
- On the picture toolbar, select 'Set transparent colour'.
- Click on the colour you want to make transparent.
Note: The PNG logo file includes a transparent background.