A NSW Government website

Custodian aspirations for a new model for Aboriginal joint management of NSW parks

This report summarises feedback from the Stage 1 Custodian workshops and provides an understanding of the aspirations of the current NPWS Custodians Network members towards the expansion of joint management under a new model for NSW national parks.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923132-46-7 / ID: EHG20230380
File: PDF 3.72 MB / Pages 31
Name: custodian-aspirations-for-a-new-model-for-AJM-of-NSW-parks-230380.pdf
Tags: Community consultation reportAboriginal joint management

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) consulted with members of the Joint Management Custodians Network through the Stage 1 Custodian workshops.

These workshops were part of the first stage of a 3-stage consultation process to develop a new model for Aboriginal joint management of NSW national parks. Consultation participants were members of the Custodians Network, who represent the 34 boards and committees currently partnering with NSW NPWS under a joint management agreement.

The report provides an overview of the consultation approach and a summary of the discussions with Custodians from across New South Wales.

Learn more at the Aboriginal joint management model consultation webpage.