Photographic recording of using film or digital capture
Making a photographic record of a heritage place or object documents it for the future, before it is lost or changed, either by progressive alterations or by the ravages of time.
Photographic records are often required by authorities such the Heritage Council of NSW or local councils as part of a conditional approval for work to be carried out on a heritage place or, in some instances, before demolition.
This document revises the earlier guidelines on photographic recording published by the Heritage Council of NSW. It includes the use of both film-based and digital-based technology as acceptable methods of photographic recording for heritage purposes. The guideline takes into account changing photographic technologies but provides a system that does not compromise the overall goal of a stable and long-term photographic record. It addresses concerns about print permanency, long-term stability of digital storage media and software obsolescence, and has been written with safeguards in mind.