A NSW Government website

Yuranighs Aboriginal Grave Historic Site Plan of Management

Yuranighs Aboriginal Grave Historic Site is located on the central western slopes of NSW about 3 kilometres south-east of Molong between Orange and Wellington. It has an area of 1.2 hectares and access is gained off the road from Molong to Boree which runs south from the Mitchell Highway near Molong.
Publisher: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-73136-0710 / ID: NPWS19990102
File: PDF 40.69 KB / Pages 17
Name: yuranighs-aboriginal-grave-historic-site-plan-of-management-990102.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

The historic site contains the burial place of Yuranigh, an Aboriginal man who accompanied Thomas Mitchell on his final expedition to Queensland in 1845–1846. It is marked by a European grave and headstone and 4 Aboriginal carved trees.

The site is unique in containing an association of European and Aboriginal burial practices. It has high historic, archaeological and social significance.

The plan of management provides for the general protection of the historic site, particularly the conservation of the carved trees, restoration of the site’s open woodland character, and for the provision of public access.

Photo: Yuranighs Aboriginal Grave Historic Site, Credit: Steve Woodhall