Credit supply resources
Key sources of information about current and potential future demand for biodiversity credits include:
- Credit Supply Register
- BioBanking public registers
- Biodiversity Credits Catalogue
- Biodiversity Credits Demand and Supply Dashboard
- Credits Near Me NSW app
- Offset Trading Group maps.
Credit demand resources
Key sources of information about current and potential future demand for biodiversity credits include:
- Credit Demand Register
- Credits Supply Taskforce current in demand credits list and reverse auctions
- Credits Supply Taskforce in demand credits maps
- Biodiversity Conservation Trust credits wanted list and tenders
- Biodiversity Conservation Fund Charge quote reports
- Biodiversity Credits Demand and Supply Dashboard
- Credits Near Me NSW app
- Indicative future demand for ecosystem credits.
Resources to estimate credit prices
A range of information is available to help landholders and developers estimate the fair price of credits:
- Estimating biodiversity credit prices
- Biodiversity credits pricing guide
- Credit Transactions Register
- Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard
- BioBanking credit transactions and sales register
- Biodiversity Conservation Trust acquitted obligations reports
- Biodiversity Conservation Trust state-wide credit tender outcomes reports
- Supply Fund and credit purchasing
- Biodiversity Conservation Trust price estimation service
- Biodiversity Conservation Fund charge report
- BioBanking Credits Sales Dashboard
- Biodiversity Conservation Fund Charge System pricing data.