NSW Koala Monitoring Framework
A statewide cross-tenure framework to monitor koalas
We have developed a statewide, cross-tenure monitoring program to support our work in the conservation management of the koala.
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922672-07-0
ID: EES20210261
File: PDF 1.06 MB / Pages 65
Name: nsw-koala-monitoring-framework-210261.pdf
The NSW Koala Monitoring Framework was designed as part of the NSW Koala Strategy, which aims to stabilise and then start to increase koala numbers. The main way to determine the effectiveness of the Strategy is to monitor koala populations.
The Framework provides an overall structure for long-term koala monitoring in NSW. It advocates a consistent, best-practice approach that, if fully implemented, will provide reliable information on population trends and indicators of population health.
For more information visit our Koala Monitoring Framework webpage.