Broadwater National Park, Bundjalung National Park and Iluka Nature Reserve Plan of Management
Bundjalung National Park extends from South Evans Head village and the Evans River south to the Clarence River. About 35 kilometres of coastline is covered by the park, which contains 17,738 hectares of coastal land. The park includes Ten Mile Beach, one of the longest beaches on the New South Wales north coast. Inland the park incorporates the Esk River, a tributary of the Clarence River, and most of its catchment. The park is, therefore, a substantial tract of largely natural land backed by State forests and rural land, with urban development abutting the northern and southern extremities.
Iluka Nature Reserve is 136 hectares in area, of which about 90 hectares is littoral rainforest. The reserve abuts the southern end of Bundjalung National Park and the village of Iluka at the entrance of the Clarence River.
Please note, the separate Broadwater National Park Plan of Management (2012) was adopted by the Minister for the Environment on 14 February 2012.
Other planning documents
Public consultation of the Review of Environmental Factors Proposed Ilmenite Stockpile and Site Rehabilitation in Bundjalung National Park was held in 2015. The proposal, from Flagship Commodities, was accepted. The submissions report documents submissions received and considered, and the determination notice shows the conditions under which the proposal may proceed.
Bundjalung National Park Determination Notice and Conditions (PDF, 5.5MB)
Photo: Iluka Nature Reserve, the largest remnant of coastal littoral rainforest in NSW / Nick Cubbin/OEH