Dharawal National Park, Dharawal Nature Reserve and Dharawal State Conservation Area Planning Considerations
This report discusses the planning matters considered in preparing the Dharawal National Park, Dharawal Nature Reserve and Dharawal State Conservation Area Plan of Management. The parks are located south-west of Sydney between the Georges River and Illawarra escarpment in New South Wales and are in the traditional Country of the Dharawal People.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-922899-75-0
ID: EHG20220492
File: PDF 15.13 MB / Pages 73
Name: dharawal-national-park-nature-reserve-state-conservation-area-planning-considerations-220492.pdf
The parks encompass a water catchment and vegetation communities of high quality due to a long history of conservation-focused management and care by Dharawal people. The parks support many native animal and plant species, including more than 30 threatened animal species and 10 threatened plant species.
The planning considerations report should be read in conjunction with the Dharawal National Park, Dharawal Nature Reserve, Dharawal State Conservation Area Plan of Management (2022).