Ngambaa Nature Reserve Plan of Management
The reserve protects a large area of the coastal range and incorporates a number of significant ridgelines and mountains, such as Mungay, Good Friday and Scotsman Mountains which are highly visible from the surrounding towns.
Ngambaa Nature Reserve protects a large number of rare and threatened flora and fauna species as well as regionally significant species and communities, including four different ironbark species of which two are rare. It also contains landscapes and sites of significance to the local Aboriginal communities; and sites and relics reflecting non-Aboriginal use of the area.
The plan of management was adopted in 2004 and following public consultation on the proposed changes from May to June 2021, was amended in 2021. The amended plan will enable the establishment of a feral predator–free area in the nature reserve, as part of a network of areas set aside by the National Parks and Wildlife Service for reintroducing declining native animal species.