Advisory and legislative functions
The NSW Coastal Council provides expert advice on matters relating to the minister's functions under the Act, and in relation to the development and implementation of coastal management programs by local councils.
The NSW Coastal Council may, at the minister's request, provide advice to another public authority on matters relating to coastal management, or conduct a performance audit of the implementation of a coastal management program of a local council.
Composition of the NSW Coastal Council
The NSW Coastal Council is established under section 24 of the Coastal Management Act 2016.
The NSW Coastal Council is to consist of not less than 3, and not more than 7, members appointed by the Minister for Environment. Members of the NSW Coastal Council have expertise in one or more of a range of fields relating to coastal management.
Following an extensive recruitment process, 3 new appointments were made to the Coastal Council in 2024.
The members of the NSW Coastal Council are:
Phil is a recognised industry leader and expert in coastal engineering and management with 34 years of experience working across New South Wales and Queensland. He has led and delivered many large and complex coastal, estuarine, and floodplain projects, combing his engineering background with significant practical experience in coastal land use planning, coastal ecology, social science, and economics.
Elizabeth is a Worimi Guringai and Wonnarua Elder belonging to Lands and Waters spanning Port Stephens, the Great Myall Lakes, the Barrington Tops, and the Hunter Valley in the NSW. She is a Doctor of Social Work and Criminology, with a career portfolio involving senior leadership positions with the Aboriginal Community-Led sector, and the Commonwealth and NSW Public Service. She has significant experience in social science and knowledge related to traditional and contemporary Aboriginal use and management of the coastal zone.
Mark is an executive management strategist specialising in coastal land use planning and management, traditional and contemporary Aboriginal use and management of the coastal zone, and economics of financing natural disaster responses. He has worked at senior levels in government across a range of programs, including leading programs in coastal and marine park ecology conservation and coastal land use planning for climate change.
Grahame was nominated by the Minister administering the Marine Estate Management Act 2014 and a member of the Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel.
Grahame has over 45 years of experience as a senior advisor to state and federal government, non-government and academic sectors in coastal ecology and its application to the planning, management and monitoring of coastal and marine environments.
Coastal Council work program
The NSW Coastal Council publishes information on its activities relevant to a range of matters to do with the preparation and implementation of coastal management programs. The information is updated regularly for the benefit of coastal practitioners and the community following the progress of the council's work program.
Annual surveys
- NSW Coastal Council Survey of the implementation of the Coastal Management Framework (December 2020)
The Coastal Council comments on matters on public exhibition it considers important to the implementation of the NSW Coastal Management Framework. Its submissions are not government policy.
Reviews and government response
Coastal Council meetings
The NSW Coastal Council meets regularly, approximately 6 times a year. Its constitution and procedures are detailed in the Act.
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 2024-5 – summary minutes 6 November 2024 (128 KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 2024-4 – summary minutes 20 September 2024 (155 KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 2024-3 – summary minutes 5 July 2024 (PDF 172KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 2024-2 – summary minutes 10 May 2024 (PDF 174KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 2024-1 – summary minutes 8 April 2024 (PDF 115KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 36 – summary minutes 26 September 2023 (PDF 89KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 35 – summary minutes 2 August 2023 (PDF 86KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 34 – summary minutes 4 May 2023 (PDF 103KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 33 – summary minutes 27 February 2023 (PDF 127KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 32 – summary minutes 13 December 2022 (PDF 114KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 31 – summary minutes 25 October 2022 (PDF 132KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 29 – summary minutes 26 July 2022 (PDF 211KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 28 – summary minutes 30 May 2022 (PDF 84KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 27 – summary minutes 26 April 2022 (PDF 89KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 26 – summary minutes 22 February 2022 (PDF 112KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 25 – summary minutes 7 December 2021 (PDF 142KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 24 – summary minutes 19 October 2021 (PDF 130KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 23 – summary minutes 31 August 2021 (PDF 97KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 22 – summary minutes 29 June 2021 (PDF 185KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 21 – summary minutes 27 April 2021 (PDF 120KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 20 – summary minutes 30 March 2021 (PDF 102KB)
- NSW Coastal Council Meeting 19 – summary minutes 23 February 2021 (PDF 123KB)
To request minutes issued before 2021, please email [email protected].
Contact us
NSW Coastal Council
Phone: 1300 361 967 within NSW (mobiles excluded) or 02 9995 5555
Email: [email protected]
Chair, NSW Coastal Council
c/- Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
PO Box A290
Sydney South NSW 1232