A NSW Government website

Biodiversity in estuaries

Estuaries are often referred to as the nurseries of the sea. They contain a diversity of plants and provide shelter, nutrient-rich food and nesting sites for juvenile and adult animals.


The dominant plant groups in our estuaries are seagrass, mangroves, saltmarsh, macroalgae and microalgae.

Luderick (Girella tricuspidata)

Estuaries play a major role in the lifecycle of many freshwater and marine fish species.

Curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)

Huge numbers of birds live in our estuaries and use them to provide habitat, food and a place to rest.

A group of light blue soldier crabs (Mictyris longicarpus) on sand.

A diverse range of ecologically and commercially valuable invertebrates live in our estuaries.

Green and Golden Bell Frog, Litoria aurea

Sea turtles, frogs and other aquatic animals live in our estuaries and use them for food, rest and shelter.