A NSW Government website

Contribute data to BioNet Atlas

The data you contribute to the BioNet Atlas helps to build our knowledge base and informs many government planning and assessment programs.


You can contribute species records by entering data directly into the BioNet Atlas interface, or by bulk uploading data using the excel spreadsheets provided.

There is a different upload process for systematic survey and incidental species sightings. Refer to the flowchart for process steps.

Validations occur both on entry into the spreadsheet and for upload within the application, giving you, the contributor, greater input and accountability in ensuring your data is incorporated into BioNet Atlas as accurately as possible.

How do I upload Species Sightings data?

Sightings of plants and animals not captured through a systematic survey (for example, unusual one-off sightings) are incorporated into the Species Sightings data collection in a 3-step process.

Flowchart illustrating the BioNet Atlas upload process in three steps: accessing the BioNet, managing spreadsheets, and uploading data.

Flowchart steps for Species Sightings data upload

Guided video tutorials

How do I upload Systematic Survey data?

All flora and fauna survey data that captures survey effort (that is, number of people hours involved, number of traps per night) and the ability to infer negative data (that is, absence of data or sites where sightings were not made) is incorporated into the Systematic Surveys data collection in a 4-step process.

Flowchart illustrating the BioNet data submission process. Steps include Access, BioNet manual entry, Spreadsheet preparation, and BioNet upload.

Flowchart steps Systematic Survey data upload

Future plans

We appreciate the current upload process is cumbersome and have initiated a project to streamline the data supply and upload process.


More information

For more information or help, email the BioNet team at [email protected].