Air Quality Monitoring Network Upper Hunter Spring 2023 seasonal newsletter
Air Quality Monitoring Network Upper Hunter: Spring 2023
Air quality in the Upper Hunter was mostly good-to-fair during spring 2023, but PM10 levels increased compared to the previous season.
Publisher: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISSN: 2206-0391
ID: EH20240392
File: PDF 3.3 MB / Pages 19
Name: air-quality-monitoring-network-upper-hunter-spring-2023-240392.pdf
Air quality in the Upper Hunter was mostly good-to-fair during spring 2023, but PM10 levels increased compared to the previous season. This was driven mainly by drier conditions, with parts of the region experiencing intense drought. Hourly particle levels remained within the good-to-fair air quality categories 100% of the time at Singleton and 99.5% at Muswellbrook during the season.