Floristic data audit and preparation for data driven benchmarks
for the Biodiversity Assessment Method
Vegetation integrity or condition benchmarks describe the reference state to which sites are compared to score their site-scale biodiversity values or set goals for management or restoration
Publisher: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-925974-10-2 / ID: OEH20190229
File: PDF 2.08 MB / Pages 52
Name: floristic-data-audit-preparation-190229.pdf
This report describes the processes undertaken to compile and audit a dataset suitable for generating empirical vegetation benchmarks for composition (growth form richness) and structure (growth form cover).
Note: data linked with this report is approved for use in the BAM Calculator as at June 2019. The status of these data may change over time. Refer to the BioNet Vegetation Classification data collection or the BAM Calculator to confirm status, and to access the latest data.