A NSW Government website

Mount Keira Scout Camp Conservation Management

The scout camp site lies within the Mount Keira precinct of the Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area owned by the NSW Government and administered by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Publisher: Robertson & Hindmarsh Pty Ltd
Cost: Free
Language: English
File: PDF 94.25 MB / Pages 312
Name: mount-keira-scout-camp-conservation-management-plan-vol01.pdf
Tags: Conservation management planFinal

Mount Keira Scout Camp is a rare example of a scout camp occupying a licensed area within a national park/state forest in New South Wales. The camp also lies within a larger area listed on the Register of the National Trust of Australia (NSW) as a Scenic Landscape of Statewide significance.

This Conservation Management Plan for the Mt Keira Scout Camp site was initially commissioned by the former Office of Environment and Heritage (National Parks and Wildlife Service) as a Conservation Analysis Report, the first stage of the process to identify and manage the unique built and natural heritage assets of the Mount Keira Scout Camp site within the Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area.

Volume 1 (PDF 96.5MB) of the CMP contains a contextual history using archival/documentary material, an analysis of physical evidence, comparative study of similar places, assessment of significance that meets the NSW Heritage Branch standards, a summary Statement of Significance, and a Grading of Significance for each of the buildings/features on the site.

Volume 2 (PDF 6.2MB) of the CMP provides policy guidance, condition assessment, management recommendations and a cyclical maintenance schedule for the study site. Combined, these two reports will help ensure the sustainable long-term conservation and management of historic heritage associated with the site and Scout Camp licence area.

Visitor information

Mount Keira Scout Camp is located within the Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area.