A NSW Government website

Who Cares about the Environment?

View full reports of the legacy Who Cares about the Environment survey.


Social research is an important source of insights to support the design, implementation and evaluation of our environmental and sustainability programs.

From 1994 to 2015, the former Office of Environment and Heritage conducted a survey every 3 years of the NSW community and discussion groups to track trends in the public’s environmental views, priorities, knowledge and actions.

Historic 'Who Cares about the Environment' reports

Reports from the legacy Who Cares about the Environment program (2000–2015) are available below.

The 1994 and 1997 reports are available in printed form only and can be viewed by request to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on 1300 361 967 or 02 9995 5555.

Who Cares reports

Evaluation of Who Cares

Who Cares was independently evaluated in June 2014. The evaluation provides an assessment of the overall impact and value of Who Cares research since its inception in 1994, as well as recommendations for its future. The evaluation found:

  • Who Cares is widely used and valued as a rigorous piece of research by a broad range of organisations.
  • Who Cares is considered important across a variety of uses.
  • There are opportunities to strengthen its strategic value, introduce more interactive reporting and expand dissemination.

Go to the Who Cares Evaluation Report Summary.