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Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Project - Network 1, Mount Kembla draft review of environmental factors

Submissions report

This submissions report documents the consultation carried out for the Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Project: draft review of environmental factors for the proposed mountain bike network 1 at Mount Kembla.
Publisher: Department of Planning and Environment
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-923018-58-7 / ID: EHG20230175
File: PDF 788.12 KB / Pages 25
Name: illawarra-escarpment-mountain-bike-project-submission-report-230175.pdf
Tags: Community consultation reportIllawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area

The report analyses the survey submissions and written submissions separately. All points raised in both the survey and written submissions were analysed and grouped into themes.