A NSW Government website

Repatriation program

How we support the return of Aboriginal ancestral remains and objects to their rightful owners and resting places, and what to do if you have or find Aboriginal objects or what may be human remains.


For over 230 years Aboriginal ancestral remains and objects have been removed from their communities and held in collections across Australia and worldwide.

Our program

To support the repatriation of ancestral remains and objects we work with: 

  • Aboriginal communities
  • Australian Government
  • Australian museums
  • state, territory and local governments
  • collecting institutions
  • private collectors.

We advise the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee on our repatriation program. We support repatriation efforts through:

  • conducting research to understand where the Aboriginal ancestors or objects were taken from
  • engaging with communities, landholders and agencies to help coordinate returns
  • working with museums by sending community representatives to identify Aboriginal Ancestors and objects
  • helping community representatives to collect Aboriginal ancestors and objects across Australia (if the Aboriginal ancestors are connected to New South Wales)
  • funding the preparation, packing, transportation and freight of Aboriginal ancestors and objects for return
  • helping the community with on-ground logistics, e.g. applying for permits (if needed) or using exemptions, preparing burial sites and conserving the site after the reburial.
  • helping to record the site in the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS)
  • helping with return to Country commemorations.

If you have Aboriginal remains or objects that you want to return to Country, call the Environment Line on 131 555. 

If you find what appear to be human remains, contact the local police station.

Contact us

Heritage NSW

Phone: 02 9873 8500

Email: [email protected]