A NSW Government website

About the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme

Biodiversity Offsets Scheme overview and achievements


In this section

The Biodiversity Offsets Scheme provides a mechanism to avoid, minimise, and offset development that has a significant impact on biodiversity in NSW.

The Biodiversity Offsets Scheme uses a transparent, consistent and scientific approach to assess biodiversity values and offset impacts.

Biodiversity offsetting provides for biodiversity values gained at stewardship sites to compensate for biodiversity values lost at development or clearing sites.

The Biodiversity Assessment Method provides a consistent method to assess biodiversity values at impact and stewardship sites.

There are 3 key NSW government agencies that administer and support the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme.

Biodiversity credits will be easier to secure and more efficiently priced through a $106.7 million investment in the NSW Budget to establish a strategic new fund. 

The Planning, Offsets and Threatened Species and Ecosystems division is responsible for the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme, Biodiversity Credits Supply Fund, delivery of biodiversity stewardship agreements, and credits market performance and transactions.

The BioBanking Scheme was a voluntary offsets scheme established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW).