A NSW Government website

Whian Whian State Conservation Area Plan of Management

Whian Whian State Conservation Area is located approximately 35 kilometres north of Lismore on the far north coast of New South Wales and comprises 2,435 hectares.
Publisher: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74232-957-4 / ID: DECCW20100832
File: PDF 455.3 KB / Pages 39
Name: whian-whian-state-conservation-area-plan-of-management-100832.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

The State Conservation Area supports a diversity of vegetation communities and species, with 10 broad ecosystem types and 520 plant species recorded. There are 21 threatened species listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act) and 16 species are listed as rare or threatened Australian plants.

The area also supports a diversity of native animal species, including 276 native animal species, of which 35 species listed as threatened species under the TSC Act and, of these, 4 are also listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.


Tweed Byron Hinterland Trails amendments to plans of management for parks and reserves of the Tweed Caldera (incorporating Border Ranges, Goonengerry, Mebbin, Mount Jerusalem, Mount Warning and Nightcap National Parks and Limpinwood, Numinbah and Snows Gully Nature Reserves) and Whian Whian State Conservation Area (2019)