A NSW Government website

Cape Byron State Conservation Area Plan of Management

Cape Byron Headland Reserve is a state conservation area that covers 98.5 hectares, including the most easterly point of the Australian mainland. Its rugged headlands and sheltered rainforest gullies are situated on the far north coast about 2 kilometres from Byron Bay.
Publisher: Cape Byron Trust / NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 0-64639-8776 / ID: NPWS20010020
File: PDF 1.83 MB / Pages 117
Name: cape-byron-state-conservation-area-plan-of-management-010020.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

The Cape Byron Headland Reserve is of importance to the Arakwal Aboriginal People of Byron Bay. The reserve maintains spiritual, cultural and historical significance for the Arakwal People and contains many sites, artefacts and landscapes which are significant in maintaining ties with the past and facilitating the continuation of Aboriginal culture. This plan of management intends to continue the process of reconciliation through the further recognition of the Aboriginal cultural values of the Reserve and the support of the Arakwal People’s involvement in the planning, management and interpretation of the Reserve.

Cape Byron Headland Reserve is of particular importance because of its spectacular scenery, the diversity of natural features and environments and the cultural historical heritage importance of the Cape Byron Lighthouse and associated buildings.

The reserve is a major focus for local, regional, national and international tourism, as well as for many types of recreation in a natural coastal environment. These range from passive enjoyment of the reserve’s scenery to activities such as lighthouse tours, education programs and whale watching.

The care, control and management of Cape Byron Headland Reserve rests with the Cape Byron Trust in accordance with the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. Members of the Cape Byron Trust include representatives of the community, local and state government and the Arakwal Aboriginal Corporation.


The following amendments to the 2002 Plan of Management were adopted by the Minister for the Environment on 18 June 2010. These amendments should be read in conjunction with the Cape Byron State Conservation Area Plan of Management (2002).

Amendments to Cape Byron State Conservation Area Plan of Management (2010). These amendments provide for the existing café building at The Pass to be used as a café and/or as a kiosk, or (subject to a heritage assessment) demolition of the current building and construction of a new café and/or kiosk on the same site.

Master plan