A NSW Government website

Watchimbark Nature Reserve Plan of Management

Watchimbark Nature Reserve covers an area of 744 hectares and is situated 40 kilometres north-west of Gloucester. It was purchased with Commonwealth National Reserve System funds in 2002 and reserved in 2006 to conserve the unique vegetation communities that occur on its serpentine geology and are not present in any other conservation reserve in NSW.
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74359-027-0 / ID: OEH20130172
File: PDF 898.09 KB / Pages 24
Name: watchimbark-nature-reserve-plan-of-management-130172.pdf
Tags: Plan of managementFinal

Watchimbark Nature Reserve contains a rare serpentinite geological outcrop, Grassy Heath and Mallee Woodland communities, and a stand of Dry Rainforest. It also contains 4 threatened plant species and a large number of rare plant species that are endemic to the serpentinite vegetation communities of the area, have a limited distribution or represent an extension of their known distribution. Eleven threatened animal species have been recorded in the reserve. Much of Watchimbark Nature Reserve is declared wilderness.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 requires that a plan of management be prepared for each nature reserve. A draft plan of management for Watchimbark Nature Reserve was placed on public exhibition from 27 April until 30 July 2012. The submissions received were carefully considered before adopting this plan.