Supplement 4 to the 3rd Edition of the Soil Data Entry Handbook
This card has been developed to support the description of on-site soil and land information required for the process of seeking verification of whether or not land mapped as BSAL meets the BSAL criteria, as required for certain types of developments under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) Amendment 2013.
These requirements are documented in the Interim Protocol for site verification and mapping of biophysical strategic agricultural land (NSW Government 2013).
This document supplements the Soil Data Entry Handbook, 3rd edition (Milford et al. 2001) and describes only those attributes specific to the 2-page BSAL Soil Data Card.
This supplement should be used together with the Handbook, in which the rest of the fields on the 2page BSAL Soil Data Card are described, and with the Interim Protocol, which describes the process of site assessment of BSAL and its various requirements.