Manning River helmeted turtle: On the edge teacher resource
This resource is for teachers to use with senior high school students when teaching about how threatened species are monitored and managed.
Threatened species include plants and animals that are endangered and at risk of extinction in the near future. The Manning River helmeted turtle is a endangered Australian freshwater turtle, found only in the Manning valley on the NSW Mid North Coast.
Using the Manning River helmeted turtle as a case study, this project looks how conservation agencies monitor and manage threatened species. By investigating the Manning River helmeted turtle, students will learn the status of the Manning River helmeted turtle population through their access to recent data obtained by researchers working across the upper reaches of the Manning River.
This resource is for teachers to use with senior students as part of their depth study within the biology stage 6 syllabus. It is linked to science stage 6 subjects for the year 11 and 12 syllabus for New South Wales schools, which incorporates the Australian Curriculum. This teacher resource is accompanied by the Manning River helmeted turtle on the Edge – Student Workbook.