Aberbaldie Nature Reserve Plan of Management
Aberbaldie Nature Reserve is located on the Northern Tablelands of NSW, approximately 19 kilometres south west of Walcha. The reserve is 284 hectares in size and was reserved in 2003.
Publisher: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-74293-213-2
ID: DECCW20110237
File: PDF 453.68 KB / Pages 24
Name: aberbaldie-nature-reserve-plan-of-management-110237.pdf
Aberbaldie Nature Reserve contains important habitat for an array of forest species in a relatively cleared landscape. The vegetation communities that are present in the reserve are in unique combinations that are not represented elsewhere in the reserve system. Three threatened animal species, including the vulnerable Eastern False Pipistrelle Bat, and two bird species listed under international agreements have been recorded in the reserve.