Heritage Our heritage includes the places, objects and stories that we have inherited from the past and want to protect for future generations.photo_cameraOpen description The Eyes of the Land and the Sea bronze sculpture at Kurnell, Kamay Botany Bay National Park closeClose descriptionImage Credit: Katherine Ashley/DPE About heritage The different types of heritage we recognise, manage and protect.east Request a heritage listing Recognition that a significant place or object should be protected under law.east Manage heritage items Information to assist private property owners, local councils, state agencies and heritage industry professionals.east Search heritage databases Information about heritage listed items and significant sites in NSW.east Apply for heritage approvals and permits Apply for an approval or permit to do work and find out when approval may not be needed.east Heritage grants Grants to help property owners, managers and communities identify and care for heritage.east Celebrate heritage Initiatives to keep heritage alive and meaningful for communities.east Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee An advisory committee that includes members of Aboriginal organisations, elder groups and communities.east Heritage Council of NSW An independent statutory body that includes members of the community, public sector and conservation profession.east