A NSW Government website

Weddin Mountains National Park Plan of Management Draft Amendment for Horse Riding

Public exhibition for this document was from 17 February 2017 to 3 April 2017. Public consultation for this document has ended.

Weddin Mountains National Park is located 20 kilometres south-west of Grenfell in the central west of New South Wales. The park was reserved in 1971 and covers an area of 8377 hectares
Publisher: Office of Environment and Heritage
Cost: Free
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-76039-678-7 / ID: OEH20170043
File: PDF 883.62 KB / Pages 15
Name: weddin-mountains-national-park-plan-management-draft-amendment-horse-riding-170043.pdf
Tags: Plan of management amendmentDraft

Following public consultation, including the exhibition of a draft plan of management, the Weddin Mountains National Park Plan of Management was adopted in 1995.

A plan of management is prepared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. It determines how the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) will manage a park.

Once the Minister has adopted a plan, the plan must be carried out and no operations may be undertaken in relation to the lands to which the plan relates unless the operations are in accordance with the plan.

Under section 73B(3) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act, a plan of management may be changed following public exhibition of a formal amendment.

It is proposed to change the Weddin Mountains National Parks Plan of Management to provide for low-key recreation in the southern part of the park, including horse riding access, which is currently prohibited under the plan.

This draft amendment should be read in conjunction with the Weddin Mountains National Park Plan of Management (1995).