Cathedral Rock National Park Plan of Management
The Park comprises spectacular granite outcrops and a diversity of vegetation including forests, woodland heaths and swamps. The Park has high conservation values, in particular the highland swamps and species that are rare, vulnerable and endemic to the area. The Park contains the southern most distribution of New England Mallee. There is also a biogeographical connection with sub alpine and high montane vegetation communities.
Regionally the Park provides an important corridor between the Gibraltar Range and Guy Fawkes River National Parks in the north, and the Serpentine Nature Reserve, New England, Cunnawarra and Oxley Wild Rivers National Parks in the south.
The spectacular geological features are the main visitor attractions with walking tracks leading from the camping and day use areas to Woolpack Rocks and Cathedral Rock. The Park provides a range of nature based recreational opportunities including camping, picnicking, bushwalking, bird watching, rock climbing, photography and nature appreciation. Two pleasant camping and day use areas, and an extensive walking track network, are provided in the Park.
Photo: Cathedral Rock National Park / Shane Ruming