A NSW Government website

Melaleuca megalongensis - vulnerable species listing

14 Nov 2003

This species was formerly known as Melaleuca sp. Megalong Valley. It is now known as Callistemon megalongensis and is listed as a Critically endangered species.

Read the Determination for Callistemon megalongensis (Critically endangered species) (PDF 38KB).

NSW Scientific Committee - final determination

The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act, has made a Final Determination to list the shrub Melaleuca sp. Megalong Valley Craven, Mallison, & Douglas 10442, Megalong Valley Bottlebrush as a VULNERABLE SPECIES in Schedule 2 of the Act. Listing of vulnerable species is provided for by Part 2 of the Act.

The Scientific Committee has found that:

1. Melaleuca sp . Megalong Valley (family Myrtaceae), Megalong Valley Bottlebrush is a recently recognised taxon described as a shrub to 2.5m tall, usually 1.5-2.0m. Branchlets glabrescent, velutinous-sericeous. Leaves 30-45mm long, 3.5-5mm wide, short-petiolate; blade glabrescent, narrowly elliptic, the base narrowly attenuate, the apex narrowly acute. Inflorescences spicate, with 40-50 monads, 35mm wide. Hypanthium hairy, c. 3.5mm long. Calyx lobes hairy, 1.5mm long. Stamens c. 45 per flower; filaments pink, 12-15mm long; anthers dark reddish. Style 18mm long, fruit 5mm long. (L. Craven pers. comm.).

2. Melaleuca sp . Megalong Valley is currently known only from a small section of the eastern Megalong Valley, in the western Blue Mountains, NSW. It occurs in shrubby swamp habitat of restricted occurrence in the area. The total population is small and concentrated in a single locality, with most occurrences being on freehold rural land or Crown land. The species is not known to occur in a formal conservation reserve (Douglas 2003).

3. Threats to Melaleuca sp. Megalong Valley include loss of habitat due to road and pipeline maintenance, inappropriate fire regimes, weed invasion, changes to hydrology, and demographic and environmental stochasticity due to its small population and localised extent.

4. In view of the above the Scientific Committee is of the opinion that Melaleuca sp. Megalong Valley Craven, Mallison, & Douglas 10442, Megalong Valley Bottlebrush is likely to become endangered in New South Wales unless the circumstances and factors threatening its survival or evolutionary development cease to operate.


Associate Professor Paul Adam
Scientific Committee

Proposed Gazettal date: 14/11/03
Exhibition period: 14/11/03 - 16/01/04



Douglas S (2003) Mysteries of the Megalong Valley: another rare plant for the Blue Mountains. Australasian Plant Conservation12,  5-7.

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