Soil Regolith Stability Classification for State Forests in Eastern New South Wales, Technical Report No. 41
Soil regolith stability is an expression of combined soil and substrate erodibility and sediment delivery potential. It is required as one of the input variables to the soil erosion and water pollution hazard assessment for the Environment Protection Authority 1998/99 Pollution Control Licence for State Forests’ logging operations.
The hazard assessment framework has been cooperatively developed by the EPA, the Department of Land and Water Conservation and NSW State Forests. The concept of soil regolith stability was proposed by Ryan to focus the classification of soils and parent materials into classes that relate directly to hazard associated with logging operations.
This classification system incorporates knowledge about the erosive response of soils to logging operations derived from both field experience and from research, with data on soil regolith properties and distribution.
First published in January 1998; reprinted October 2019 with maps in Section 3.